
Carbon dioxide is an essential element to life on our planet. It has become widely used in the most common welding processes, as well as in draft beer and soft drinks carbonation. Whether it is used in the food industry, beverage companies or medical purposes, MAT offers a complete line of cylinders for storing this gas.

Choose the best model for your project and contact our sales department to receive the best supply conditions available in the market.


Em virtude do alto número de FRAUDES que vem ocorrendo no mercado, ressaltamos que os nossos boletos são emitidos através do BANCO DO BRASIL, tendo como beneficiário a MAT EQUIPAMENTOS PARA GASES LTDA.CNPJ 33.416.231/0001-30.

Em caso de dúvidas entrar em contato com o Setor FINANCEIRO através do e-mail ou no telefone (21) 2126-7545 e pelo WhatsApp

+55 21 99443-4934.

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